Our Cattle
Our cattle are efficient producers of quality, lean beef. Low birth weights, fast growth and hardiness make them ideally suited to our eastern Montana environment. We have bulls for sale every year. Heifers for sale many years.

Our cattle are an essential part of the ranch. Living in eastern Montana with extreme weather conditions, we need cattle who are hardy, easy-keeping, easy calving, vigorous calves, high feed efficiency, hard feet, good conformation, good disposition, and exceptional carcass quality to be successful. Our Salers and Angus cross cattle fit this need perfectly. We’ve incorporated some of the top bloodlines from both the Angus and Salers breeds using both AI and natural cover. Our herd is the ideal combination of durability in a harsh climate and quiet dispositions for continual safety for us as handlers.
The veterinarian who pregnancy tests our cattle checks cattle through several states and tells us repeatedly that our conception rates are tops!

Heifers for sale
If you are looking for heifers for your program to incorporate cattle with genetics to perform well, contact us. We often have heifer calves and bred heifers available for sale via private treaty.
Our Calves

We start calving about the second week of March every year and weaning is generally in October. Our feeder calves are contracted out late fall/early winter after we wean and background for a month or two.
Our Angus/Salers Bulls for Sale

We keep a select few bulls every year to sell private treaty. We have yearlings and two-year-olds available at affordable prices. Our 2020 offerings are shown below. Contact us for current year bulls. Performance records and more pictures are available on each bull by contacting George (406) 485-2326.