Hello from the cold North!
Winter has been here for 3 solid months now and spring looks a long way off, but life is going well. This is the time of year that Alexis is feeding cows and the rest of us are working on the computer aspects and inside projects for the ranch. Tienna and George are doing financials. Ross is making concrete forms for the major water project we have planned for summer. Tana is healing from surgery and working on horse, cattle, & agritourism computer work. It is time to give you a little more of an update from here…..
Social Media
Hopefully you have noticed the video snippets of life on Mahlstedt Ranch on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Alexis has really been doing a great job of giving you little looks at our life. This is the best way to be in the ‘know’ about happenings on the ranch.
Please ‘like’ and follow us on these platforms:
YouTube: mahlstedt ranch inc – YouTube
Facebook: Mahlstedt Ranch Inc. | Circle MT | Facebook
Instagram: Mahlstedt Ranch Inc (@mahlstedtranch) • Instagram photos and videos
Expecting Foals
As we look to spring, the highlight is always looking forward to baby time. For those of you interested in our horses who like to watch for certain matings/foals, our list is posted!
Expected 2023 Foals – Mahlstedt Ranch Inc.
We have some exciting young mares expecting this year. Alexis’s favorite ride mare should be having our first foal of the year. Oh, it is better than opening packages at Christmas!

Western Ranch Experiences
As Agritourism grows in Montana, we are doing our best to help make the opportunity great for visitors to our beautiful state as we learn alongside others working for the same goal. It is our pleasure to announce that Tana and Tienna were among the twelve selected to the Montana Agritourism Fellows Program. The group will work to develop the agritourism industry in Montana. As for tourism on the ranch, we are working to add lots of opportunities this year! You can bring your own horses, bikes, ATVs, OTVs to explore miles of ranch lands. Hike. Star gaze. Camp. Rock, shed, or herb hunt. Ride in a tractor or combine. We are even working on setting up a small destination wedding venue (if this interests you for 2023, contact us about this option and how we can work together). Other possibilities include a branding weekend package, trainings and workshops in our new outdoor arena, and ranch tours. The beauty is the vacations are your custom design.
We hope you enjoy a February filled with cozy evenings and good chocolate….or whatever makes you smile 😊
Until the next email……
The Mahlstedt Crew